
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Sims 2 - Default Replacement UNpotted Rubber Tree (For use with Visitor Controller)

This is something that was requested by my good friend Nonni a while back, and I'm finally able to do it. Since TwoJeffs made the visitor controller based off of the Maxis rubber plant, the mesh wasn't included. So it dawned on me to just make a default replacement of the Rubber Plant mesh to make it UnPotted to fit in with a Medieval theme. Also another use for it, if you really hate the pot (I know I detest it anyway and I don't usually play Medieval games) it's also a nice non-watering decorative plant for you to enjoy. Found in decorative/plants TwoJeff's visitor controller is found in Misc/Misc as always. cost is the same as the Maxis rubber plant for the plant, and the same as TwoJeff's cost for the Visitor Controller. I didn't change anything about the visitor controller, it's all a Maxis default replacement. Poly count is 476. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
February 9, 2016



  1. The download at Fileswap is no longer available. Could you renew the download link?

  2. @ Notta Fish the link have been fixed, thank you for letting me know it was broken.
