
Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Sims 2 - Supernatural Frog Mask for Children

With Halloween fast approaching, I thought I'd do my traditional holiday upload, and bring you something from The Sims 3 Supernatural. Would go great for any little trick or treaters you want to have in your games. Though there isn't a way that I know for sims to go trick or treating, maybe someone made a mod for it somewhere or something. It's best worn on very short hairstyles as most hairstyles cause clipping. Wearable by both genders child only. Found in glasses. I used the base game dreadlocks for taking this screenshot. You can download the converted plantsim clothes here. Enjoy!


  1. Can you convert TS3 supernatural fairy wins for TS2, please? AND any other fairy accessories too, that would be nice!!!

  2. Unfortunately, fairy wings can't be converted because they are not a mesh.

  3. Could you possibly create a new accessory that looks extremely similar to the new fairy wings, please???

  4. Have you looked on somewhere like

  5. Of course I have, But the EA made wings look awesome, and I think it would be cool to have a sort of an official Sims fairy wing set!

  6. Well my area of skill is more converting EA meshes, and since fairy wings have no mesh I don't think I'd be the one to do that for you. Maybe you could request it of someone who has more experience in meshing than I do.

  7. Do you think you could whip up the other ages too? I'm considering making a plugin for it for my costume trunk, if that's alright with you. ;)

  8. I could do it for YA - Elder, but I don't know how to make toddler or teen accessories.

  9. Phae, my policy allows anyone to convert my meshes for other ages. I have some other projects going on right now non sims related and real life stuff to do, so I don't think I'll have time for this sorry. You would probably be able to get it for toddlers and teens too.
