
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


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Monday, October 29, 2012

The Sims 2 - Skeleton Keys

Great for Halloween, or if you just want an authentic medieval game. Found in decorative/misc. Cost is 15 simoleons. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Sims 2 - Showtime Candelabra for Tables

This was requested by me ages ago from Michelle, but I decided not to make it then, anyway, I decided I would go ahead and make it now, and share. It's The Sims 3 Showtime candelabra only scaled to fit on tables. I've also added the BHAV CT - Allow With Food so sims can use this as a functional dining centerpiece. Found in lighting/table lamps. Cost is 116 simoleons. Enjoy!

Turned Off

Turned On

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Sims 2 - Garden Mums

Mums for your sim's gardens. Found in garden center/flowers. Cost is 110 simoleons. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Recolor of FP's 2005 Mercedes Benz SL500 Roadster

This is a recolor of Fresh Prine's 2005 Mercedes Benz SL500 Roadster. You will need FP's car mesh found here. Because the mesh is not included. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Haven't Been Around, Miss Creating So Much

You may have noticed I haven't been updating the blog much. It's because I spilled a big cup of iced tea all over my laptop keyboard and ruined my computer forever. So I got another computer which should be arriving soon in the mail. The new computer has Windows XP which I wanted so I could play and create for The Sims 1. So who knows, you old school Sims 1 fans, may see some new Sims 1 creations from me soon. Also, my mother broke her leg, so I'm visiting her to help her out. I plan to get back into the swing of things soon, when my computer arrives. I lost all of the old 4 shared files that were on my old computer even before I ruined it because I had to do a system recover, so until I can upgrade again and download them all, all of the missing files are still lost. I'd reccomend posting them in WCIFs someplace to replace them. By the way, if you ever run into a missing file here, you can help by posting in a mediafire (or other simple fileshare host) download link in a comment of the missing file. Thanks for all your support! TNWS is headed for the 3rd anniversary coming next spring, you all have been great!

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Sims 2 - Haunted Eyes

A new eye set for y'all called Haunted Eyes. In all natural shades of eye color. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Added a Pintrest Button to The Site

Now if you use Pintrest, you can share posts here there. Have fun with it, and the twitter, facebook, google +1 and others.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Sims 2 - Sushi With Custom Plates and Chopsticks

I have a new meal of Sushi for your sims to enjoy. I wanted originally to make something from turbosquid, but most of what they had there was way too high poly to be enjoyed in The Sims 2. Some of it was so high poly I couldn't even open it in Milkshape. So I decided to make my own this time. The food is found in your sim's fridge under have a meal.../Sushi or serve a meal.../Sushi. There are new custom plates which are not default replacements. You need the custom plates both serving and dining plate in your downloads folder for the food to work. The other is a custom utensil which is a default replacement to the fork. I had to make this a default replacement, and not a new custom utensil because as far as I know new utensils are impossible, unfortunately. So, if you want your sims to always eat what they would usually eat with a fork as chopsticks instead of a fork, you should keep the chopsticks in your downloads folder. If you like your sims to eat with forks, you can just take out the chopsticks whenever you don't feel like feeding your sims Sushi. The chopsticks are not required for the food to show up properly. Enjoy!


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Chat Box Added to The Site

I've added a chatbox to the blog in the left hand corner right under ads. Feel free to chat with me and anyone else who may drop by.

The Sims 2 - Baked Potatoes

A new meal of baked potatoes for your sims. Found in your sim's fridge under have a meal.../Baked Potato or serve a meal.../Baked Potatoes. If you don't see it appear in the fridge, you need more cooking skill for your sim as high cooking skill is required. Mesh and texture made by uncle808us at turbosquid.com. Converted for use into The Sims 2 by me. Poly counts significantly reduced using Direct X Mesh Tools in Milkshape. This a Sims2Pack file, not a .package. To install, double click. Do not place in the downloads folder. I have very good reasons for making this a Sims2Pack file instead of a package. Enjoy!


In The Oven

On The Plate

The Sims 2 - New Seasonal Bush

This mesh is based off of the Easy Shade Bay Tree. I've recolored the leaves and branches to add my own Seasons compatibility. The spring, and fall leaves are much brighter, and colorful. Included are states for spring, summer, fall, winter, winter light snow, and winter heavy snow. You can use this bush without Seasons installed on your computer, however only the summer state will appear. The bushes do not require gardening. Found in Build Mode/Garden Center/Shrubs. Cost is §100. Enjoy!





The Sims 2 - Halloween Themed Nutcrackers

I got this idea from some (much more detailed and overall pretty) nutcrackers I saw in Target last weekend. This is my attempt at somewhat recreating them, at least the theme of them. They are found under decorative/sculpture, and cost 15 simoleons. All poly counts 850 or lower. Enjoy!


The Sims 2 - Sub Sandwiches

Requested by Lient the other creator here on the site. It's sub sandwiches. For lunch and dinner only as she wanted. Found in your sim's fridge under have lunch (or dinner).../Sub Sandwich or serve lunch (or dinner).../Sub Sandwiches. Same cooking skill required as lunch meat sandwiches from which it was cloned. Credits: Meshes and Textures made by  uncle808us at turbosquid.com. Converted for Sims 2 by me. Poly Counts significantly reduced using Direct X Mesh Tools in Milkshape. This a Sims2Pack file, not a .package. To install, double click. Do not place in the downloads folder. I have very good reasons for making this a Sims2Pack file instead of a package. I decided to update this so sims will prepare with an actual sub instead of lunch meat sandwiches, and made the serving state more natural looking. The new file has the same GUID and filename, so you can just let it overwrite in your downloads folder. Enjoy!

More Natural Serving Placement

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Sims 3 - Millionaires By Default

This is my ever popular millionaires by default mod for The Sims 3 now on TNWS. I'd like it hosted here as well because sapphiresims is not the most reliable site as far as being down or up. This mod will give sims 1,000,000 for single family households and more for more members added to the home when you start the game from CAS screen to placing them in the world.

Friday, October 5, 2012

All Comments Now Require CAPTCHA

CAPTCHA is an  internet slogan used to prevent spam. CAPTCHA is when you see the dialog that opens up and asks you to enter the letters or numbers shown before entering a comment, or registering with a site. Now all comments will require you answer a CAPTCHA puzzle in order to comment to prevent spam posts. Blogger has built in spam defense for comments, so none of the automatic spam comments show up on the blog, but they do show up in my email, and it's very hard to distinguish anonymous posts from spammers and honest individuals. So for this reason, though it may be annoying, I'm requiring that you solve a CAPTCHA puzzle to comment.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Sims 2 - Pearl Necklaces Revised

I got to looking at some of my older files here, and saw this lovely pearl necklace I made several years ago. I remembered there were 2 problems with it. It was only wearable in everyday clothing category, and it was not multi-layerable, that is sims could not wear them while wearing glasses. Now I've fixed it so it goes into all clothing categories, and is multi-layerable. I decided to start a new upload instead of update the old one, since it's on the very first page of my uploads here and you would probably not be able to find it after so many posts. Also, I believe the file was from 4shared. Enjoy!