
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


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Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Sims 2 - Service Career

This is a career for adults. I had in mind for this career jobs that provide services to a large group of people. These types of jobs would be the type that would be "moonlighting" jobs in real life. There are no chance cards completed with this career. If you run into a blank chance card, just ignore it out.

Here are the job titles and descriptions.

Day Care Worker

It's your job to care for children age infant to 8 while their parents are at work. You'll be providing juice and crackers, changing dirty diapers, watching children's movies, and planning arts and crafts activities. All those children can be a wild bunch, but luckily you have help from the other workers.


You will be cleaning various community lots in your neighborhood on the night shift. You need good cleaning skills in order to make it to the next level of your career. So get those mops, buckets brooms, and vacuums, and make your town look spotless!


You took your Red Cross CPR and Heimlich Maneuver classes to prepare you for work as a daycare worker, and that's exactly what landed you this job. You are a lifeguard for the public pool in downtown. Remember, when you hear thunder, yell as loud as you can,"Everybody out of the pool." Also, make sure no one is running by the pool. Oh, and of course it's your duty to make sure no one drowns.


In this level of your career, you will be working with the institutionalized mentally ill. Sometimes they can get out of control, and this is where you come in. As your job title suggests, your job is to bring order. Sometimes they just need someone to talk to, sometimes they need to go on one to one, meaning 24 hour supervision from a staff member, and as a last resort or if they pose a severe risk to themselves or others you may have to put them in seclusion.

Factory Worker

You will be working the assembly lines packing, baking, dying, crunching, punching, and whatever else is needed at the time. You have to have some speed, but speed with efficiency meaning you have to make good use of your time. The factory wants good, quality products produced so be sure you have speed, but take the time enough to make sure you are following proper procedure.


You need to be able to sell a popsicle to a penguin. You have to use your smarts to keep people on the phone, most of the time truth be told they will hang up in your face. You will be lucky if you get someone who says they don't have time for you. You have just joined the most hated career of all time, but still you should do your best at this career, who knows, you just might get a promotion.

Job Title Male: Movie Theater Usher     Job Title Female: Movie Theater Usherette

It's your job to scan the theater to make sure no one is illegally filming, also you should make sure no one is talking to loudly. If anyone has any questions about where to go such as where the bathrooms are, where the exits are, or anything else, they can ask you. You should be up to knowledge on everything that goes on in the theater.

Cafeteria Worker

You will be working in the local school serving up beef stroganof, jello, square pizza, and chocolate milk along with other delicacies. You will need high cooking skill in order to succeed in this stage of your career.

Parcel Delivery Person

You will be working with the delivery company known as TS2 to deliver goods ordered by sims from glamazon.com, feebay.com, swish.com and many more online retailers. Please note: During holiday seasons, it's extra hectic, so you have to make sure you deliver your packages on time and handled with care,

Real Estate Salesperson

This is the pinnacle of success in this career. You are a successful real estate sales person. Your name is synonymous with quality homes. You have weekly open houses scheduled, and you sell only the finest homes. Congratulations, you've made it to the top of your career.

Here is the custom icon extracted from in game icons:

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